Call for Papers

Dear colleagues! We cordially invite you to share your knowledge, findings and experience at the seventh annual International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events (ICGJ 2023). The one-day conference will be hosted online in August 2023.

ICGJ is an interdisciplinary conference that welcomes educators, researchers, professionals, and event organizers across various fields related to game jams and hackathons. We aim to publish the proceedings in the ACM Digital Library, as in previous editions.

You can check the previous ICGJ proceedings available in the ACM Digital Library.

Aims & Scope

Conference topics cover all the aspects of game jams, hackathons and other game creation events. 

With thousands of game jams and hackathons held every year, with hundreds of thousands total participants, plenty of valuable data is generated and can be used to study all aspects of the activity. For example: Who participates in these events? What kind of games or prototypes do they make? How do the events influence the future projects of the participants? Analysis of the data might lead to unexpected and exciting findings, which will be really valuable for the scientific community. 


Major topics of interest this year will include (but are not limited to) the following:


Three categories of original submissions are considered:

Full and short paper submissions will undergo a double-blind review process (i.e., identification of authors or their institutions must not appear anywhere in the submission’s text). The previous conference proceedings have been published in the ACM Digital Library, the same is expected for 2023 after ACM approval. Paper submissions should use the double column ACM template which is available at These submissions need to be anonymized (remove all authors and affiliations) and uploaded to EasyChair before the deadline. 

EasyChair link:

Event report submissions will undergo a single-blind review process (i.e., identification of authors have to be in the text of the report). Accepted submissions will be published in the ACM Digital Library as short papers. Report submissions should use the double column ACM template which is available at These submissions do NOT need to be anonymized. They should be uploaded to EasyChair before the deadline.

For LaTeX users, please use the following to enable the double-column format in the ACM template:
